Abstract: This paper describes the use of a calculator for the emissions of Greenhouse Effect Compounds as Sustainable Education Tool, using the case of a major Mexican Transnational company. In 2012 the Climate Change General Law (LGCC for its name in spanish) was published and came into force, transforming Mexico into the first developing country that counts with a law in this matter. The LGCC (Ley General de Cambio Climatico) establishes the diverse creation of instruments of public policy, one being the National Emissions Registry (RENE for its name in spanish) and its rules of procedure. The creation of agreements for defining the technical aspects of the Registry are established in these rules of procedure. One of these agreements, the Grouping of Gases and Greenhouse Compounds and their Global Warming Potential, identifies the chemical substances following an internationally accepted denomination which is defined by specialised associations in the subject. Therefore, for the case of the Anonymous major Mexican Transnational Food Company, Students of a Capstone Project created a calculator, it is necessary for the company to report the emissions thata are produced by their fleet of the previously mentioned Greenhouse Compounds if they exceed the 25,000 tCO₂e (tons of CO₂ equivalent). It is necessary to calculate the production of direct and indirect gases or compounds of this nature for their installations, so the categories to be evaluated inside the Food Company to calculate their emissions are the following: Energy, Industry, Transport and Residuals.