Ensuring healthy lives and promoting the well-being for all at all ages is essential to sustainable development. Significant strides have been made in increasing life expectancy and reducing some of the common killers associated with child and maternal mortality. Major progress has been made on increasing access to clean water and sanitation, reducing malaria, tuberculosis, polio and the spread of HIV/AIDS. However, many more efforts are needed to fully eradicate a wide range of diseases and address many different persistent and emerging health issues.

Learn more at: http://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/health/

A Benefit-Cost Study of Implementing Particulate Matter Filters onto Motorbikes in Kenya

Abstract: As different forms of pollution continue to cause destruction all over the world, it is evident that air pollution is causing detrimental effects on the health of people in the Republic of Kenya. With

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Prediction of Air Pollution Based on Traffic and Weather Data Using Artificial Intelligence

Abstract: Criteria airborne pollutants, such as particulate matter (PM2.5) and sulfur dioxide (SO2), can cause harm to human health and the environment. Underserved areas near major interstates and industry, such as Prichard, Alabama, can easily

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The High Price of Low Cost Processed Food

Abstract: The cost of processed food in the US is affordable and much lower than other developed countries. Processed foods are efficiently mass-produced in non-perishable forms to increase shelf-life and availability. This is a great

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Assessing Food Insecurity: A Systematic Perspective

Abstract:; Food insecurity is recognized as one of the main public health problems in the United States. According to the US Department of Agriculture, about 10.2 percent of the U.S. households (13.5 million) were food

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Interviews from Volunteer Project at SBP in New Orleans

The IISE Annual Conference Volunteering Event, organized by the Sustainable Development Division, is a yearly project where members attending the annual conference volunteer to assist a nonprofit agency in the conference’s host city. The organization

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How data science can provide nourishment and food security

Hunger is a reality for more than 50 million Americans, with food insecurity affecting 13% of U.S. households. To alleviate this, many receive assistance from nonprofit food banks, pantries and meal programs nationwide. Purdue University

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ISE and supply chains for human needs

Industrial and systems engineering and supply chain management focus on overall efficiency improvements and cost reduction. This focus has significantly benefited all parties in society. However, sometimes the focus does not best serve the ultimate

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IISE Podcast: Modeling Reality, COVID and Ebola Style, with the CDC’s Michael Washington

Industrial Engineer (IE) Michael Washington of the CDC discusses his team’s statistical models that help health systems monitor resources for dealing with – and tracing the explosion of – COVID cases, and how his team’s

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Mission Imaginable: Putting ISE principles to work in Haiti

Purdue University graduate Lauren Neder moved to Haiti to help navigate cultural and logistical challenges at Imagine Missions school, and help establish multiple programs to address sustainability in the island nation. Her background in Industrial

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