ISE’s natural link to a sustainable future – Problem Solved Podcast

Engineering for One Planet (EOP) is an initiative supported by The Lemelson Foundation to promote sustainable engineering practices and integrate sustainability into engineering education. Cindy Anderson is founder and CEO of Alula Consulting and a

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A Benefit-Cost Study of Implementing Particulate Matter Filters onto Motorbikes in Kenya

Abstract: As different forms of pollution continue to cause destruction all over the world, it is evident that air pollution is causing detrimental effects on the health of people in the Republic of Kenya. With

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Sustainable Education Tools: A Calculator for the Emissions of Greenhouse Effect Compounds

Abstract: This paper describes the use of a calculator for the emissions of Greenhouse Effect Compounds as Sustainable Education Tool, using the case of a major Mexican Transnational company. In 2012 the Climate Change General Law

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A GIS-Based Approach for Mapping and Evaluating Coastal Land Loss

Abstract: In recent years, there has been an increase in interest in using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to study soil erosion. Soil erosion is one of the greatest environmental challenges, making it imperative to study

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Optimization Model and Solution Algorithm for the Design of Connected and Compact Nature Reserves

Abstract: Ecosystem conservation is fundamental to guarantee the survival of endangered species and to preserve other ecological functions important for human systems (e.g., water). Planning land conservation increasingly requires a landscape approach to mitigate the

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How data science can provide nourishment and food security

Hunger is a reality for more than 50 million Americans, with food insecurity affecting 13% of U.S. households. To alleviate this, many receive assistance from nonprofit food banks, pantries and meal programs nationwide. Purdue University

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ISE and supply chains for human needs

Industrial and systems engineering and supply chain management focus on overall efficiency improvements and cost reduction. This focus has significantly benefited all parties in society. However, sometimes the focus does not best serve the ultimate

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Food Systems Projects Between Schools and Nonprofits – IISE SDD Webinar

The following webinar was hosted by the IISE Sustainable Development Division, as part of their mission to help align Industrial and Systems Engineers with organizations working on the UN Sustainable Development goals. Watch the video,

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Improving food systems in Iowa through industrial engineering

Anuj Mittal, Ph.D. candidate in industrial engineering (IE) at Iowa State University, has been part of a U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) study which will allow food hubs in Iowa to share supply chain best

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Mission Imaginable: Putting ISE principles to work in Haiti

Purdue University graduate Lauren Neder moved to Haiti to help navigate cultural and logistical challenges at Imagine Missions school, and help establish multiple programs to address sustainability in the island nation. Her background in Industrial

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