Role of IOT & AI in decarbonizing in lifecycle refrigeration management: a 90 Billion Metric Ton CO2 eq emissions opportunity.

Abstract: The world faces an unprecedented challenge as average temperature rises and many solutions to reduce carbon immersions require prohibitively high capital investments. This presentation will provide details of a low cost yet impactful technology that combines iOT and Algorithmic Learning (AL) to reduce releases of HFC refrigerants that are up to 4000x more potent than CO2 in causing global warming.

Refrigeration and the cold supply chain are critical to the human endeavor, protecting both our food supply and important pharmaceuticals. However due to the leaking and releases of HFCs, the main refrigerant in that supply chain is projected to increase the earth’s temperature by 1 degree Fahrenheit by 2050. In fact, Project Drawdown ranks refrigeration management as the #1 solution for reducing global warming, ahead of more widely-recognized solutions such as solar farms and wind turbines.

This presentation will cover:

  • Overview of solutions for decarbonization
  • Lifecyle systems management
  • The solution design combining IOT & AL
  • Data from 4000 installation
  • Study showing 80% leak reduction
  • Additional benefits of iOT solutions for maintenance management and reduced energy consumption.
  • Possible applications to other areas

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